Miss Fairbairn says ....

we will be looking at Vincent Van Gogh and plants this half term, so lets keep our fingers crossed for lots of sun so we can go outside!

Friday, 12 June 2009

Punch and Judy

Awais, Lydia, Abbie, Kadie-Jay, Thomas and Aaron made this puppet show, we made the puppets from socks and we decorated them with feathers, beads, fabric, paper and some string. We also made the background.
Olivia, Daniel, Elli, Ihsaan and Connor made this puppet show. We made our own puppets out of socks. It was the best puppet show ever. Olivia made Judy, Elli made the baby, Connor made the maid, Ihsaan made Punch and Daniel made an evil jetman.
Ruby, Noah, Sammy, Saurav and Isobel made up a story for their own Punch and Judy show. We made our puppets from socks and material and other bits and bobs. We were covered by a big piece of material. We did our show in front of our class.
Natanael, Amy, Kaylah, Adam and Abdurrahmaan made a puppet show. The show was funny and everyone laughed. It was good fun. It was called Punch and Judy.

1 comment:

  1. I love puppets but I have never made one.

    They look great.

    by lily
