Miss Fairbairn says ....

we will be looking at Vincent Van Gogh and plants this half term, so lets keep our fingers crossed for lots of sun so we can go outside!

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Today we have been learning about light and dark we turned the lights off and it was scary!!!! We have also been painting glass we painted twirls and zigzags and rainbow.


Last week we were making lanterns because we were reading the book Can't you sleep little bear. We wrote the story in our words and made lanterns with paper, glue and put sequins and glitter on them and hung them up with a piece of string in our classroom.

my week by mahttew!

In maths we have been counting circles on the interactive white board it was fun!We have been playing with sand.
This year we are doing a nativity play for christmas, because Jesus was born on christmas we are doing a play about him.This year I am playing an angel. My favourite song we are doing is called the party song.This morning we have been doing some maths we were counting circles on the interactive white boards.Yesterday we were doing glass paintings I painted a flower and a butterfly I used pink,blue,purple and yellow.

By Mia and Georgia
In class t we have been painting glass pictures of butterflies and flowers . We have been learning songs for are play . We have also been doing maths games . I enjoyed playing maths games. We have been playing shops . We have been playing tig outside and Mia was trying to catch us she caught Jessica .

by Malaika , Sana and jessica :)
In science we have been learning about light and dark. We have been using the big whiteboard.

by Rafat


in maths morning Leon did money problems.You had to get a card there will be money on the card,then you add the money and stick it on the purse.Leon got all of the questions correct.Leon enjoyed doing the questions.

By Leon and Zayyan :) !!!!!!

Mohammed's week

This week I have been doing glass paintings. They are paintings you draw a picture on a piece of paper it has to be outlined with black, then you go over the lines with paint and then colour it in with paint. Today we did maths. it was all about shapes and we made pictures with the shapes. I really enjoyed it and it was very interesting. Also in literacy we wrote a story about fire, "fire looks spiky but you cant touch it because it will burn you!"
I am going to Pakistan this Thursday and i am staying there for a month and a week. I am very lucky!

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Yestaday in class T we were learning about fireworkes and bonfire's.
We wrote poems about bonfire's

by Jamie and Isobel
this morning we had maths week.It was really exiting, we plaed this game where you rolled a dice and got a number, the number you got you would walk and the first peorson to get to the treasure won.

by Eleanor and Madiline

matthews post

This week I have been doing lots of tricky maths like adding.in english we have been writing a story about litle bear and big bear.our roll play is about selling things in a shop and playing in the the sand.
Today in class t we have been sticking in some pictures of bears because we are learning about bears by maya and Emma

daniels post

this week we have been learning about light and dark and i saw a candle. in class i played in the puppet thearte and in maths i was adding up tricky sums.

by daniel.
This week class T have been learning about I cant sleep little bear and we stuck the story in our books

This morning we had maths morning and we played with maths cards

by poppy and isabel

Tuesday, 3 November 2009


In the holidays Matthew went to sopie's party she is 2 years old. he had a fun and great time he had a nice holiday and went trick or treating.

EE and making stars!

On tuesday the first thing we did was litreacy and in litreacy we did the ee sound and what words had the sound in. Theese are the words that we came up with deap, sleep, weaped and she.

Later on we made stars and I put on glue and paint and glitter.

By Isabella year1
On Monday we made some stars.This is how we did it....Our teacher cut out the star shapes and I put blue and purple glue and silver glitter on mine.Then we left it to dry.
By Caitlin
On Monday we made some stars by using glue,silver paint and silver glitter and our new topic is twinkle twinkle little star also we made a big dark spooky cave and we had a lovely new blue carpet and she whent to mias party.

BY Raynae
In class this week we have been learning about light and dark,on Monday we made paper stars with glitter and glue because stars are a light source.
Light and Dark

I like to draw the star about light and dark.After,we did some lines draw stuff about light and dark.Leon drew a cave,candle,lantern,street light and moon.Leon writing about light and dark.

by Leon and Zayyan

making stars

in class t this week i have been making stars. i put glitter on my star and i have had lots of fun making it i do lots of fun things nin my class. we made stars because we are lerning about light and dark in class t. we are making a shop as well and in the shop we are selling things that make light and dark.

by matthew and leah

Remaya and Niamh

This week we have been reading books about castles dragons. Speaking about halloween.We have been reading and spelling words.
Today I have been on the computer going on Cbbiees. It was really fun and creative!


mohammed's week at school in class t

This week in class t Mrs Boyd let me go onto the blue books! Mrs Boyd forgot to get us to change our books. silly Mrs Boyd!
Yesterday we read in a group and it was fun!
we are doing a new science topic and it is light and dark and i am enjoying it so far! planets are dark in space and the sun is light in space.
i usually play with Luke and he is my best friend in our class!